Upcoming Events
  • Please use this form to report safety concerns or ask questions that the community needs answers to.
    Please enter your full name.
    Please enter your contact information (phone number, email or both) so that we can respond to you in a timely manner. If you are a student, type, "find me at school".
    What is your comment, question or concern? Give a brief statement here.
    Please describe the urgency of your question/concern using the choices below.

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Welcome to Alchesay High School

College and Career Information

Whiteriver Merit Pages

Parents! Are your students constantly falling asleep in class??

Do your children have a hard time managing their sleep patterns??  This is normal for teen age students.  Click here for helpful tips on how to support them!

  • Alchesay High School
    P.O. 190, Whiteriver, AZ 85941
    Phone: (928) 358-5690
    Fax: (928) 358-5691
    Physical Address:
    422 2nd Ave.
    Whiteriver, AZ 85941

    Office Hours: 7:15 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Monday-Thursday. Closed on Fridays.

    Dr. Monica Barajas
    Phone: (928) 358-5690

    Laurel Endfield
    Associate Principal/CTE Director
    Phone: (928) 358-5715

    McKay DeSpain
    Associate Principal/Athletic Director
    Phone: (928) 358-5690

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  • 1st & 2nd Tardy - Verbal warning by teacher

    3rd & 4th Tardy - Phone call home by teacher

    5th Tardy - Friday School
    Transportation NOT provided No Show to Friday School - 4 lunch detentions.

    5 Additional Tardy - Friday School
    Transportation NOT provided. No Show to Friday School - 4 lunch detentions.

    Additional Tardies will result in progressive discipline which could include In-School Suspension or Out of School Suspension.

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PAC Staff Sponsor: Kimberly Begolin


Yellow Cards are needed for athletic participation: Yellow card requirements: yearly physical, emergency consent forms, completed brain book quiz, completed opioid awareness quiz, and a COVID-19 vaccination card or signed parent permission to participate in weekly testing. Documentation can be submitted at the high school Monday-Thursday 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Alchesay High School safety guidelines for spring athletic activities:

  1. All coaching staff will be required to show proof of full vaccination.
  2. All student-athletes will be fully vaccinated OR participate in weekly COVID testing to be able to participate in sports.
  3. The school Health Aide will be responsible for keeping record of vaccination and testing.
  4. Temperature checks and health questioner will be required for all staff and student-athletes upon arrival to practice and departure for trips. Students and Staff will not be able to participate if temperature is 100.4 or higher and/or a "yes" response to any questions.
  5. Outdoor sports: masks are not required on the field however are required while on the sidelines, and during travel.
  6. Regular weekly testing will be available for all athletes and coaches.
  7. Practice facilities will be closed to the public.
  8. Athletes and coaches will wash their hands before and after practice and competitions.
  9. Equipment will be clean and disinfected after each use.
  10. Water bottles are not to be shared.
  11. Hand sanitizer will be available.
  12. Coaches and the Athletic Director are responsible for ensuring that all guidelines are followed.

Activities are dependent upon community health and the phasing of WUSD and WMAT. 


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