“You must be the change you wish to see in the World!” – Gandhi
Ever feel lost in a sea of people swimming in all different directions? Well my job as the Personnel Director is to ensure that no matter what happens, you have support with Whiteriver Unified School District.
I am a member of the White Mountain Apache Tribe and after growing up off reservation, I came home. I began working for WUSD in 2004 after working at the local community college and ski resort for a few years. I fell into education and have enjoyed it. I wish I could say I came crashing onto the scene all geared up and ready to go. I didn’t! WUSD has taught me a lot about myself over the years, especially where the students and staff are concerned.
I worked my way up from an instructional assistant running in-house, to a CTE high school Teacher/Career Specialist, and finally taking a chance at becoming the Personnel Director. All the while working to earn my Bachelor’s Degree in Liberal Studies with an emphasis in Learning & Pedagogy and a Master’s Degree in Education with emphasis in Human Relations, both from Northern Arizona University.
I truly believe that everyone has a purpose and place they fit into this world. My goal is to help you find it. Peace, Love, and Light to all!