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Phone System
The Cisco IP Telephone system has many useful functions to help you keep track of incoming phone messages. The phone works through the WUSD computer network, so you will take the phone with you if you happen to move classrooms (temporarily or permanently).
Step 1.
Setting Up Your Phone:
In order to set up your phone you will need a special pin number. This will be emailed to you when you begin as a WUSD employee.

Once you enter your pin you will be guided through the setup process, and you will choose your own unique pin number to use on your phone.
Step 2.
Checking Messages:
There are several ways to check your missed calls and messages.

In Your Email:
Once your telephone is set up, you will receive your phone messages and missed call messages in your email. The messages will play through your computer as long as speakers are attached.

On Your Phone:
To access voice mail, press the messages button and follow the voice instructions. The LCD displays a text message indicating the number of voice mail messages in your mailbox. The
red light on your handset also lights when you have a voice mail message.

From Another Phone:
You will only be able to check your messages by calling your own number if your phone is set up as an outside line. (You will be able to tell if the number dispayed on your LCD has a 338 prefix.)
More Resources:

*This is the complete manual which describes how to access all the features of your phone.

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